About Us

Our family has been serving as volunteer missionaries with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for a while now, Wade since 1990 and Joanna since 1998. Our home tribe in the mission is YWAM Vancouver, Canada. We are also a part of the international initiative Steps Of Justice.

Our areas of focus are missions mobilization, teaching, urban missions, family sustainability in missions, micro-enterprise, and life-giving dinner parties.

We are honoured to be the sponsored missionaries of the unique tribe that is the legendary Vancouver Eastside Vineyard, located in the Commercial Drive neighbourhood of Vancouver B.C. Canada, and to have been adopted by the generosity of the amazing people of Momentum Christian Church in Chula Vista, CA. USA.

wadenewsletterWade is passionate about BBQ, good technology, social enterprise, and seeing the gospel of Jesus take practical shape in all areas of society.  Currently he is focused on justice issues, clean water, and sanitation. He makes inspiring food & incredible natural soap and loves to host giant Jesus raves where he spins his own unique mix of 80’s trance remixes and anything else that will make you shake your groove thang’.  Check out Wade’s bio HERE.jonewsletterJoanna’s passion is to make home for whoever she can, wherever in the world we find ourselves. She’s passionate about natural child birth, teaching, how tea should be properly made, and seeing people set free and figure out how fantastic they really are. She loves homeschooling our kids and longs to be someone in whose presence people feel valued. She would like to know your middle name.

Sophia is almost 10 years old and believes one should create their own soundtrack wherever they go, so you can always hear her coming with drumming, tapping and spontaneous songs. She is an amazing homeschool student just finishing Grade 4.   You can see some of her work on our videos page. She tells great jokes and loves to do science experiments, advanced math, and dress-up.

norinewsletter2Eleanor is 7 and is fast, determined, daring and sensitive. She is wicked quick at memory games and makes up stories – the best ones seem to involve Santa Claus taking a beating. If you are in the kitchen, Eleanor would like to come help, and she just taught herself to peel carrots. She just finished Grade 1. She is an exceptional architect and loves to build anything that would house a fairy.

paxnewsletterPax is almost 5 and will be entering kindergarten in the fall. He loves to ride his bike Zoomer, hang out with his invisible animals, and show you his sweet dance moves. He also has the best laugh in the known universe and regularly attempts to eat his own body weight in watermelon.

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